By clicking on a session, it can be evaluated and edited so that the client's training plan can be easily adapted to their needs. On the session details page there are detailed evaluations of the session graph, HRV measurement and the option to evaluate the session and note any special features. For detailed analyses and comparisons between individual sessions, there are direct navigation points to the training program and client.
Session details as an overview
When you click on a session, the session details are displayed in a pop-up.
Information on the client and training program
Evaluation and notes
are summarized. From there, you can access the session details page via the Go to session button and edit it.
Session details
All important information about the completed session is clearly displayed here.
The first card shows
Session number
Name of the client
Status of the session
Each session that a client completes is given a number which is saved with the client. By clicking on the three dots to the right of the status, the session data (including HRV data if a heart rate monitor was worn) can be downloaded. The session can also be deleted at this point.
The program card contains
Date of the session
Time of the session
Training program
Training group
Clicking on Program details opens a pop-up with a preview of the training program. All important key data for the training program is listed in the preview. Clicking on Go to program opens a new tab and the program can be edited. It is also possible to view the graph in full screen.
The HRV-Card contains HRV measurement data (if a heart rate monitor was worn) such as
Completeness of the session
Heart rate monitor used
Key figures on PNS and SNS
RR distribution
Detrended fluctuation analysis
PSD - Welch's method
By clicking on the magnifying glass symbol , the evaluations can be viewed and analyzed in higher resolution.
In the evaluation card, the session can be rated with a star rating scale and the following rating options
1-5 stars
Warning sign
Question mark
In addition, a note to the session can be created with an HTML editor and the session can be marked for further editing by clicking on the flag. If the session is pinned, it appears in the session overview under the marked sessions. In addition, a yellow note at the top of the session detail indicates that this session has been marked for further post-processing. If a session is evaluated, the status of the session changes accordingly from new or unevaluated to the selected status.
All information about the client, their training plan and session history is listed in the client card:
Number of sessions completed
Training program
Training group
Training program
Session overview
Clicking on Client details opens the client details page. If the trained session does not differ from the training program, the same program can be inserted directly into the training plan by clicking on Repeat program. The button is grayed out as soon as this is not possible because the session differs from the original training program.
All programs that have been added to the client's training plan are listed under Training plan. Another training program from the organization's existing programs can be inserted or removed from the training plan at any time.
Under Session overview , all of the client's completed sessions are listed, sorted by the end of the session. Sessions marked in bold are not yet rated. Clicking on the pencil opens the respective session detail page and can be analyzed and evaluated directly. Sessions that have already been rated are not marked in bold and clicking on the magnifying glass symbol opens the session preview in a pop-up window. The session detail page that is currently being edited is colored green.