Clients - Modal

The modal for clients has the following functions:

Login Live Control

Log in directly on the device: instead of using the Live Control, the next upcoming session can be prepared directly from the dashboard. For a client to be logged in directly, a training program must be in the training plan.

How to login a client

  • Select hypoxicators that are online and not currently being trained on are green and can be used.
  • Click on login now
  • A confirmation is displayed after a successful login and it is possible to open the live control directly in a new tab to monitor the training.

How Training plan

For a client to be logged in directly, there must be a training program in the training plan.

Training plan: If no training program is inserted in the training plan, a training program can be selected using the Add program button. Several programs can also be added to the training plan. The programs can be moved up/down and deleted.

Managing notes: Additional information about the client can be viewed, entered and changed directly in the notes box. 
