The client details page contains all data and information about the client
Basic personal data
Additional information (if this has been created in the organization settings)
Status (active / passive) and PIN
Hypoxic Tеst programs
Training plan
Assigned programs
Session overview
and can also be edited directly here.
Basic personal data
First and last name
Date of birth
Date of entry
Completed sessions
e-mail address
Phone number
Note on the PIN: When a new client is created, an automated PIN is created for the client. This is usually the date of birth. If this is already used by an existing client, a random PIN is created for the new client.
Note on status: By default, the status is set to active when a new client is created.
Additional information
In the organization settings, additional information can be created globally for the entire organization. If values have been maintained, these can or must (for mandatory fields) be filled in when creating a new client.
Hypoxic test programs
New clients can complete an air retention test before their first training session and then a recommended hypoxic test program based on the test result.
Note: For the hypoxic test programs, a description should always be maintained for which result of the air retention test the program is recommended. A description and a recommendation are stored for the standard programs.
Training plan
In addition, the last session is displayed with the most important data and can be inserted into the training plan with one click and thus repeated.
Assigned programs
Here you can assign your own training programs to the client. These remain there and can be selected and trained both in Live Control and on the web panel.
Hypoxic Session overview
All of the client's sessions are listed here. This makes it easy to evaluate, rate and compare sessions. Unrated sessions are marked in bold and can be rated directly using the pencil icon. Evaluated sessions can be viewed in a modal (pop-up) by clicking on the magnifying glass.
Hypoxic Notes
This notes field can be used to enter notes and information about the client for trainers and admins. A simple WYSIWYG editor helps to present notes in a structured and orderly manner.