If a successful connection cannot be established between the hypoxicator and Cloud (e.g. in the case of internet issues), training sessions can be completed on a fully functional offline version of the hypoxicator.
❗General note: Offline operation serves as a fallback option when an internet connection cannot be established. Communication on the web panel (controller unit on the device) in the offline version is designed to quickly reconnect the hypoxicator to the internet. Detailed training evaluations are only available in Cloud. Completed sessions will be imported into Cloud retrospectively (when an internet connection is available) and can be associated with the client there. Trainings that are identical to already created training programs in Cloud will be recognized and linked during the upload to Cloud.
Creation of an offline training
If Cloud is not accessible or if training is intended to be exclusively in offline mode, a manual offline training can be created. The duration of each phase, as well as the oxygen content for hypoxia, hyperoxia, or normoxia, can be individually set for each phase. A training session can consist of any number of phases. The phase and overall length of the training are customizable. Before creating the training, the mode, either "Bio-Feedback" or "Static O2," must be specified. In offline mode, both the training phases and the oxygen concentration of the breathing air cannot be changed during application. Clicking on "Cancel" will return you to the network settings
Through the menu item "Status" and then "Trainings", training sessions can be compiled and completed in offline mode.
Selection of the training mode
Static O2
Set a static O2 concentration of 9-16% for the entire hypoxic phase. If the SpO2 saturation falls below the specified threshold, the O2 concentration will be increased immediately.
Set a target SpO2 saturation to be achieved during the hypoxic phase. The hypoxicator adjusts the O2 concentration automatically.
Phases and cycles of the training mode
A training session consists of multiple cycles, comprising hypoxia, hyperoxia, and normoxia phases. A cycle of hypoxia and hyperoxia could be composed, for example:
13% O2, 76% SpO2, 3min
100% O2, 100% SpO2, 4min
The training can be extended with as many cycles as desired but should conclude with a regeneration phase.
Creating the first phase
The first phase is automatically set with 16% O2, 85% SpO2, and a duration of 1:00 minute. This can be adjusted as desired using the + and - keys.
Creating a second phase
By using the "Clone" button, a duplicate of the first phase is created, which can then be modified using the + and - keys.
Creating additional phases
Repeat the process of duplicating phases as many times as desired. You can create as many cycles of stress and regeneration phases as needed. The maximum program duration is 90 minutes in static mode and 60 minutes in Bio-Feedback mode.
Creating the training
Click the "Confirm" button to confirm the created training, and you will receive an overview of the entire training, including the created phases.
Start of the training
Clicking the "Start" button initiates the training.
During the training session
On the web panel, the current oxygen concentration, SpO2, heart rate, and the remaining duration of the training are displayed.
End of the training
If the training has been completed as usual, clicking the "Quit" button will take you to the network settings.
Summary of the session
After the training session ends, a summary of the training unit is displayed in a graph on the web panel. A detailed analysis of the training results is available in Cloud after uploading the training there.
Uploading the training to Cloud
The completed offline training unit is automatically uploaded to the hypoxicator when the hypoxicator is connected to the internet and can then be associated with the client.